Monday, 12 August 2013


There apparently comes a time in a writer's life when opening your thoughts to the world becomes obligatory. Hence the plethora of blogs and websites, mostly written by midlisters or bottom feeders, such as myself.
This apparently is the time.
Let me put you all straight, right from the beginning, I am not sure what to call myself… writer, author, who knows? since I have not yet found a definition of the above that satisfactorily includes me in the category.
I have written crime, horror and fantasy short fiction. I have even had some of it published and presumably read. I have even thrown myself at various novel ideas for periods of time till I realised I have the attention span of a mayfly and the organisational skills of a gerbil.
I did once read an interesting definition from Jason Sanford on his blog:

In a nutshell, everyone is a writer, but authors have an audience.

Which I guess makes me an author, since somewhere, someone has read stuff I have written. (Thank you… Criminal Class press, Plan-B magazine etc) How pretentious of me!

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